Just makin music!

Jon Santiago @Metaljonus

Age 39



Edmonds Washington

Joined on 6/20/06

Exp Points:
976 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.21 votes
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> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 5m 21d



Is this a terrible NSYNC reference?


lol Nice one phobotech



HI, Welcome back dude, long time no hear...

I'm done with this site. Peace!

Whaaat? Nooo. You aren't gonna post any more of your sexy music on here?

Nope, with the lack of respect toward hard working musicians who bust their ass making such good music this site does not deserve it. Sorry guys! But I will be reviewing and giving my opinions but no more music.


NO!!! Dude, It's like getting kicked in the nads, only with lasting efects!


You are going to be majorly missed man. Really you are. It hurts that the assholes out there are becoming practically a fuckin legion and only like mass hating artists, but it hurts even worse that you got a lot of it to the point where your droppin the updates.

It's like a bad dream dude. I am glad you didn't drop this stuf when I was overseas, because believe what you will... but your stuff has helped me through some hard times.

My iPod is not going with me to work for a week in tribute to the good times, and the serious blow we are taking from all the haters.... but most importantly, to symbolize what it's like be missing your works of art.

Peace man, you've had such a great run, and we are all sad on your decision. Hope you come back to updating somewhere in the future.


Haha, I am touched man I am glad my music helped you out and I will be grateful for that. I'll be sure to pm you a link so you can download some new stuff for sure man.

Omfg. You were really one of my favorite musicians on NG. I'll miss your music, man. At least you'll still be here reviewing other people's stuff.

Yeah, I'll still be here reviewing but this site does'nt deserve good music so I guess the haters win.

Well fuck, there goes my reason for coming to Newgrounds.

Try out AcidPlanet?

Sorry love I think imma post my shit on soundclick again. I have'nt updated my page in years LOL.

My all-time favourite on ng leaves:(
Thx for the great music you shared here, gave a lot of inspiration to start making music again (i forgot about my guitar for 2 years, lol)
But dont think you are not respected. ofc there are kiddies, who wanna go top chart by 5ing their shitty 3-note song and zeroing everything, but if you check the reviews you got, most of them is 10...i think thats what matters.
Good luck and spread the world with more kickass cyco sick metal madness:)

I know I am respect to say the least but its just get old with all of the zerobombing and dumbass little kids. Alot of my reviews are 10s and great and I thank everyone for the great reviews and kind words. Its getting old thats all. I'll be sure to keep you updated on my new tunes.

It's too bad all these fucking kiddies go around low rating fantastic songs by great artists like you. You are the only reason I still come to this site, but I hope that wherever you're going, you get the respect you truly deserve. Take care, and good luck in the future!

Thanks man! I'm sure I will need the luck in the future haha.

Fuck the haters, they just don't know good music these days. Haters should be raped 10x harder with their shitty music being played in the background while being raped, lolz. At least your fans still rate your music and check it out. (They should make some playlist feature on here, that'd be pretty cool.) I am terribly butthurt by this. I downloaded almost every one of your songs cuz they're so sexy and excellete. I guess there'll be no more downloading for me.

Man if they did something good with the AP that would be great but they don't give a fuck about it so good luck with that Fulp! lol

Where can I find you? I recently found out about you and I LOVE your music.

Being on a more amateur level of music, I have great respect for the work you put forth for such great sound. You will be missed! Where can I find all your music? Will it be free to download still?

http://www.soundclick.com/bands/d efault.cfm?bandID=63191

WUT?! You can't believe that there is no one that respects your music. I absolutely love it. Sure there are tons of dumb people and assholes here, but that's the Internet for you. You're basically surrendering in the war against stupidity. If you really enjoy making music, you have to be comfortable with the fact that those who try to get you down speak the loudest, while those who enjoy all your music and eagerly wait for more don't always talk so much. If you decide to go through with this decision, please let me know where I can hear (and hopefully download) the awesome music that I hope you continue to make. In any case, best of luck in whatever you do.

I would'nt call it surrendering well maybe I call it not giving a fuck anymore lol. I'il be sure to update people for sure.

I think that not posting your music anymore is the wrong way to go. Sure, people may not seem to respect music as much on this site, but (especially with metal-style music) there's almost nowhere you're gonna be able to go where people will treat all forms of music with respect; these are the people on the internet we're talking about. If you think that not posting your music on the site is the way you think you should go with your art, no one's gonna try to stop you, but you have a fan base here and there are still plenty of people that support the musical style that you play in (Xeno, BadMan, Darkside, etc).

Sure, there are a lot of crappy techno songs and video game remixes, but I stay on this site because of the needle-in-the-haystack-esque music coming from you and others that actually write their own shit, and it's that obscureness that really helps the music shine in comparison to everything else; moving it somewhere else would cause your music to lose that. Sure the music would still be great, but it just wouldn't have the same "shininess" that it gets from plethora of other stuff you find on this site.

Either way, good luck with future endeavors, and make sure to PM me to any new shit you come up with :D

True, but it gets fucking old when such crappy music is rated higher and all of the great music is fucking slammed. I know I got plenty of fans I dunno maybe I just need a break from this site in general well see in the future but for now I'm taking a break from it. I'll be sure to keep you updated on any new tracks. Thanks!

omg no! u cant do this...i was just checking to c if u had any new songs and i saw the word bye! my worst nightmare was confirmed. mj u r my fucking god. im going to start mourning now....whats the point of going on ng any more? ur music was inspiring and just totaally sexy. i cant believe ur actually doing this...o well ive nvr heard of soundclick but im gonna go check it out rite now..
good luck man.

lol newgrounds has some good music but you gotta dig deep for that shit. Don't forget about the awesome flash animators on here too.

OMFG My reasons for coming to newgrounds have been completley shattered in one post. Its like the audio portal is in a recession...this feels like the end of the world but an least there are still great artists like Eternalreich, Dimoria, Bad-man, Xerxes and others! goodbye, we will miss you.

Thanks dude. In due time those artist will probably say fucking the newgrounds AP.

:( now that you are leaving i feel like i should say something profound, but for somereason the words are stuck in my throat.

maybe it cuz all the good stuff you gave us, or the fact you're just one of my fav artists...i dunno. but I'm really gonna miss your stuff here...why is it that every good thing has to leave? or that ppl seem to take no satisfaction in hard work, or that the very fact you're not uploading anything else here make me feel profound sadness?

either way, ima miss seeing your work here. mind telling me where you are going at least? :(

Always been a fan man, always...

Don't worry man I'll be sure to keep everyone updated with pm's.

i fully support you on this one man. the disrespectful faggotry on this site is ridiculus - you better keep me updated though! i'll fucking kill you if you don't, haha

Will do fag!

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