Hello everyone! I am reviving myself and have done away with the name "Metaljonus" once and for all and will be using my real name cause why not? I will be uploading my takes on awesome video game level music that I love or really like on my Youtube channel and Facebook Page. I know my remixes did really well in the past and I am looking forward to getting back out there with them and really having some fun.
So, check out my first one I have done in a long time "Rainbow Road" from Mario Kart! If you really dig it subscribe to my channel for more and pass it along to your nerd homies haha! And if you want to follow any updates be sure to like and follow my Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/SantiagosMusicPage
Rainbow Road Metal Remix:
Thanks for taking the time to check this out and get yo pull!
=Jon S
That was a pretty dope. :) Welcome back!
Thank you Cyberdevil! Feels good....feelllls good lol